Ryōko Mikado (御門 涼子, Mikado Ryōko?) Voiced by: Masako Joh
The provocative school doctor at Sainan High, Ryouko helps out other extraterrestrials on Earth in various manners, usually those dealing with medical care, though she does offer students a variety of her own concoctions. Formerly an operative for a shadowy, black market extraterrestrial organization bent on overthrowing Emperor Gid, she fled from her superiors to Earth in hopes of hiding her identity. Proof of her non-human origins are the elf-like ears hidden by her short hair, though it has yet been specified what her species is. Furthurmore, she seems to be smitten with Rito, shown when she once asked him to rub oil on her and didn't look surprised when Rito accidentally says "I love you" to her, Nana, Yui, and Run.